T5600 Console

BASIC BOARD EXTERNAL CONNECTORS and pinouts T-5600 console

Basic Board External Connectors
Conn.	Name		Descriptions
J1	DC PWR		Jack
J2	OPTION		D-25 genaral connector fo I/O and Special Products (SP)
J3	LINE		TB5 line connector, 2/4 wite & protective GND
J4	MIC/PROG	TEL-8 connector for Desk Mic, swan-neck mic & programmer
J5	H.SET		Handset/headset TEL-4 connector
J6	PATCH		TEL-8 phone patch, future option
J7	FOOT SWITCH	3-pin for foot switch (PTT & monitor)

J1(DC PWR) jack, 15V DC, 3Amp Power in
Pin Description				I/O
The IN lead is the (-) terminal		input
The External terminal is (+)

J2 (OPTION CONN1) D-25 General connector for I/O
pin no.	Signal name	Function				I/O
1	S-SPKR		Select Speaker				ooo

2	U_S_G		Unselect speaker ground for		--- 
			multi-base operation (L478)

3	PAGE AUD	Audio Input from external 		iii
			paging terminal, 300mV RMS
4	TXGND		Transmit ground				---

5	VBATT		Input voltage from battery (+)		iii
			for backup power supply

6	VPS		Output voltage from pwr supply  	ooo

7	RX_OUT		Receive output signal from		ooo
			power supply

8	TEST		This output is fo Motorola		iii
			internal testing, for muting
			the Select/Unselect speaker

9	LOCL-O		Audio output to local deskset		ooo
			L1473 (no series resitor)

10	EXT ALARM/	Local deskset L1473 input		iii
	LOCAL PTT	(default)/ALM1 (via codeplug
			hybrid - see note)

11	HS MUTE		High Speed mute input(via		iii
			codeplug hybrid - see note)	

12	N_CLK		Notch clock for multi-base		iii
			operation (Option L478)

13	EX_MON		External monitor input			iii

14	S_S_G		Select Speaker ground			---

15	UNS_S		Unselect speaker for Multi base 	ooo
			operation (Option L478)

16	LOCL MIC	Audio input from local Deskset		iii

17	EAR_P		Earpiece output				ooo

18	AUX_RX		Auxiliary receive audio			iii
			unbalanced input

19	SGND		Receive audio Ground			---

20	DGND		Digital ground/Battery (-)		---

21	N.U.		Not Used				---

22	COR		Carrier operated relay			iii
			Unmutereceive path (via
			codeplug hybrid - see note)

23	M_LEAD		PTT Output, 0.4A open drain		ooo
			VMOS (20V zener diode protected

24	PAGE PTT	PTT input from Pager (via		iii
			codeplug hybrid - see note)

25	EX_PTT		External PTT Input			iii
Note: This type of connection requires Button Expansion Option L979 to be installed in the 

J3 (TB5) Line connection, 2/4 wire & protective GND
Pin no.	Description				I/O
1	2-wire Line 1 Tx & Rx, Tx (DC+)		iii/ooo

2	2-wire Line 1 Tx & Rx, Tx (DC-)		iii/ooo

3	Protective GND				---

4	4-wire Line 1 Rx only			iii

5	4-wire Line 2 Rx only			iii

J4 (TEL-8) Desk Mic and Programmer
Pin no.	Description				I/O
8	10V DC					ooo

7	RS-232 host RX				ooo

6	Monitor					iii

5	TX GND					---

4	MIC HI					iii

3	PTT					iii

2	RS-232 host TX				iii

1	DIGITAL GND				---

J5 (TEL-4) Handset Connector
Pin no.	Description				I/O
1	TX GND					---

2	PTT/OFF hook				iii

3	Earpiece				ooo

4	Handset Mic				iii


J7 3-pin Foot switch (PTT & Monitor)
Pin no.	Description				I/O
1	Monitor					iii

2	Digital GND				---

3	PTT					III
